This morning was the 3rd well-baby visit to the doctor's office. The girls were on their best behavior for the nurse and doctor. We all like the pediatrician, but I think Ches was biased before we even met him since Dr. Monk has a pretty sweet beard.

Each well baby visit, they check the girls' weight, height, and head circumference. They write the information on a sheet for us to take home, but when the doctor took the sheets to input the data, we never got them back. So all I actually remember is the weights: Alina is now an even 11 pounds and Avery is a little behind at 10 pounds 4 ounces. These weights both fall in the fiftieth percentile, so they have caught up to the average. While I don't remember the numbers, I do remember that both of the girls fall into the 5-10% in regards to their height. So, basically, we have short, chubby babies! Just the way we like them! *Can you guess who is who in the pictures?*
Unfortunately, they also do immunizations on the two month check-up. They received the rotavirus vaccine orally. We each took a baby and squeezed the sweet, syrupy liquid into their cheeks. Alina took it down easily, leading us to think she will take after her mommy and be a major sweet-a-holic. Avery struggled and kept letting it ooze out of her mouth. She did get enough in, but it took a little time and coaxing.

The other vaccines were given in three shots, all administered to the thighs (two on one side and one of the other thigh). Both the girls were champs, crying when they were given, but then quieted down very quickly once in the security of our arms. They were both happily asleep by the time we were leaving the doctor's office. The next appointment is not until August 2nd, for the four month check-up.
We made it home after picking up infant acetaminophen from Rite Aide (and made sure to get the right kind, since tylenol had a recall on theirs recently). After feeding the girls, Avery ended up with the hiccups. From that point on, all hell broke loose.

The poor girls were in some pain from the shots. Both of them were crying inconsolably for about four hours. Ches called into work to help soothe the babies as best we could. Ches held Avery the entire time - every time he went to put her down, she would start up again. I was cuddling Alina on the couch. Any movement and the crying would start again. Even in these comfy spots, they would wake and cry until they got tired again and drifted back into a restless sleep.
Talk about heartbreaking! All we could do was hold them and tell them how much we love them, but that did naught to relieve the pain they felt. We felt utterly helpless. I am so thankful Ches was there. I do not think I could have managed that situation by myself and come out sane. We understand the need for the immunizations, but what a rough time for everyone! Ches and I both had the tetanus shots recently and can recall how much they pained us for several days after, so we can only imagine what it must be like for them. Poor girls! At least they do not receive any more shots for double the time they have been in the world, but still! Not looking forward to that and will make sure to plan to have Ches take the day off from work.
Soooo adorable! Bring babies to Florida :)