
On March 29, 2011, we were blessed with the arrival of our beautiful, identical
twin girls. We were very excited for this event, especially since it was
preceded by a 5 week hospital stay for me (and pretty much for Ches, too, since
he spent every night there with me).

Now we are trying to navigate the waters of parenthood. There is no amount
of mental preparation one can do to get ready for a new baby, let alone two
babies! I am creating this blog in order to share the experiences, but more
importantly, as a type of diary to capture all the moments I fear I will forget
if left up to just my brain to remember!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family Trip to the Aquarium

We had a wonderful outing today to enjoy the Seattle Aquarium. Mimi and Papou surprised us with an annual family pass! Works out since I think the girls are now hooked on fish. They smiled the whole time. Can't wait to go back again!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


So apparently Avery is training for the first ever baby iron woman competition. Being the dutiful, loving sister, Alina has decided to help her out via assistance with weight training. Note the awesome music in the background. No, we did not edit this to add the music; it is a Pandora station Ches has created with hours of effort to focus only on sport montage music. This has been a great aid in her training. No babies were harmed in the making of this movie.

Again, this is also a PSA to show the importance of remaining seated in a moving vessel.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Bottle Feeding

I am typing this post with my new found moments of free time. Yes, after eleven months, the girls have learned how to hold their own bottles. They have even come near to perfecting the tilt to get the last drop. Well, almost perfect...Alina did have a nasty fall this morning when trying to drink her close-to-empty bottle while standing. She just tipped her massive head back so far that she could no longer hold her balance. But we are very close, nevertheless. Think of all the Facebook time I can squeeze in...oh, I mean Accounting and Finance studying...or dishes....